Pre-Planning Your Cremation Service
By Lee Barringer
Only when we start asking thoughtful questions, do we start to receive thoughtful answers. It is also the only way to start a meaningful conversation around the subject of death for most families, as this subject is usually taboo in most households. Unless you have been in a crisis, it is not always easy to see the value of acknowledging a loved one’s life, in a way that reflects the beliefs and values of your family.
But whether you know it or not, there are emotional stages of grief we all go through, and they are: Denial. Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance (Elizabeth Kubler-Ross) and they are universal responses to loss that transcend all cultures and all ethnicities.
Often, when someone is asked about their wishes after death, the response is "I don't want a funeral" this is in many cases is a knee jerk reaction to a bigger concern, which perhaps would be "I don't want to die!"
The truth is, many people no longer want “funerals” nor go to “funeral homes”, instead they’d rather plan a Celebrations of Life. These creative events are for the living, and an opportunity to gather and say “Thank You” to their loved one.
Perhaps when asked about our wishes upon death, we could instead simply state our preference of disposition: for example, “I would like a simple, direct cremation.”
Then I would encourage anyone reading, that you leave the way in which your family want to acknowledge your life, - up to them! This way we do not deny those we love, one of life's most important rituals, a time for story telling, and most importantly, - the opportunity to say thank you.
Branch & Pyre Cremation Care
Winnipeg’s Simple, Direct Cremation Experts