Arrange a Cremation

Before you begin

  • With Branch & Pyre, it takes approximately 15 minutes to complete our online arrangement forms and pay for service.

    For comparison, traditional in-person arrangements at a funeral home take approximately two to three hours, including driving, parking, and appointment time.

  • Cremation is an irreversible act.

    The forms presented in the “Arrange A Cremation” section of our website are legally binding documents and therefore MUST be completed and signed by the decedent’s authorized, legal next-of-kin, and/or executor.

Step 1. Call Branch & Pyre

A Care Team member would like to briefly go over a few important details with you before you begin to fill out the forms found in Step 2.

Step 2. Fill Out Forms

Tap to complete each one of the following three forms found below.

Step 3: Pay for service

You can e-transfer directly to:
or click below to pay by credit card.

Thank you for arranging with
Branch & Pyre.