Winnipeg’s Rising Cremation Rates
By Lee Barringer
Winnipeg’s cremation numbers continue to increase each year, and the Vital Statistics Agency of Manitoba reported in 2020 that 68% of Manitoban’s chose cremation, over earth burial or entombment.
I believe part of this change is because Canada is a relatively young country, and a proudly multicultural one. Winnipeg is comprised of many different faiths and belief systems from around the world, many bringing a long tradition of cremation practices with them. Secondly, cremation offers families a much more affordable option to traditional earth burial.
We can see that all cultures naturally change over time, and I think these changes have contributed to Winnipeg’s rising cremation statistics. It is important to note however, that cremation is not an end in itself, - unlike earth burial.
What I mean by this, is that the act of cremation is a form of reductionism. After a cremation, we are left with what is commonly referred to as “ashes” or cremated remains. A grieving family will still need to select a meaningful way to inter or scatter these cremated remains.
Branch & Pyre Cremation Care
Winnipeg’s Simple, Direct Cremation Experts