Brian Francis Squair QC

December 7, 1935 - November 18, 2022

Brian leaves his loving wife Kathy after a 62 year marriage that began at Daniel McIntrye Collegiate Institute, the four L's, Leanne (Gary Bunio), Lisa (Marty Grady), Lynne (Ken Hahlweg) and Lorene/Renie and the grandchildren that called him Pa, Sian Bunio (Alex Duhault), Lyndon Bunio (Claire Pibrovec), Satya Hahlweg (Daniel Orlikow), Camille Squair and Jakob Hahlweg and Great-Grandpa to Francis Orlikow. He also had a special relationship with Isabel and Garry Peterson, neighbours and friends.

He was predeceased by his sister Cathy and his granddaughter Maelen.

As with so many things in his life, Dad peacefully moved to the next stage with Kathy holding his hand and giving us all strength as we move forward without him. We admired his perseverance in the last month as his health challenges compounded. He read the Winnipeg Free Press up until his last few days, always reading the Sports Section first. We enjoyed chatting about current affairs and the latest in political madness in the world! Brian always had a joke to tell, the more off colour the better. His sense of humour, gift of the gab and teasing ways are attributes that continue with his family.

Brian began his career teaching high school in Dauphin, Manitoba, then taking a position in Ghana, West Africa in 1962 with External Aid, teaching young men English. They made lifelong friendships, developed a passion for travelling, an appreciation of diverse foods and a deeper understanding of the gaps between rich and poor and what was truly important in the world in order to build and live a happy life.

Another lifelong community commenced when we all moved into the first Cooperative Housing complex in Western Canada in north Winnipeg (Willow Park). He was on the Board of Directors for the Coop Housing Association of Manitoba (CHAM) for many years helping to guide the creation of better and more affordable housing options for people. This then evolved into the Jubilee Fund; Manitoba's only charitable ethical investment fund that offers financial assistance for local non-profits and social enterprises working to reduce the impact of poverty.

In 1968, Brian was "Called to the Bar" and began a long career with the Province's Attorney General's Department. Dad worked on many civil litigation files and used his knowledge and wit in his involvement in the repatriation of the Canadian Constitution in 1982 with Premier Sterling Lyon. He was a well-respected colleague, with knowledge and understanding of legal processes. He was always willing to share a cup of tea and enjoyed smoking his pipe in conversations with his colleagues. Brian was a good man who lived by committed principles and whose highly sought advice and counsel were deeply valued.

Dad's favourite place was the cottage in Loni Beach, Gimli where his love of gardening flourished. Family and beach time was part of a great summer, the more dogs running around the better, many books read, with the occasional golf game to still prove he had his athletic prowess! Spending time at the beach with Dad were special times filled with polar bear swims, badminton and croquet. Cottage family dinners were a highlight, with lots of stories, great debates and laughter. Dad always kept the ditch flowing into the lake by shoveling the sand piles numerous times. We always knew when it was 5 o'clock on the beach when he would come down to the lake with his favourite dog Maggie Mae; the kong in the lake preceding our view of him. Pa bacon sandwiches were the best breakfasts and his Pa candies always snuck out of the bowl. Etched in our memories will be canoe trips with four kids and a dog to Willow Island and driving the lawn tractor at the lake.

The family would like to thank Dr. Tim Ross for his years of caring for Dad, with dignity, respect and humour; the Health Sciences Centre staff on the neurology wards and the Misericordia Transitional Care Unit who facilitated our parents' reunion and ability to spend their final night together. Finally, we will be forever thankful to our friends across the country who have provided their love and support.

In lieu of flowers, please support the Fred Douglas Society Endowment - if you wish to, please go to the Donate Now site.

A Celebration of Brian's Life will be held the Summer of 2023 in Gimli, MB.

Those We Love (Don't Go Away)

"Those we love don't go away;
They walk beside us every day.
Unseen, unheard but always near.
Still loved, still missed, and very dear."

- Author Unknown

Branch & Pyre Cremation Care


Andrew Mckie


Deborah Lorteau